September 1, 2009

Back-to-School/Greener Grass

Billy Madison's ditty says it best, and I always have it in my head when August arrives as that's "THE month" that we all head back to school, with some excitement but also with reluctant dragging of heals.

Having left the only school I have ever taught at and known behind, and for nine years at that, it was unsettling to "learn the ropes" again, so to speak. I am not only in a new school, but also a new district and grade-level as well. My old district consisted of six elementary schools, whereas my new district has, oh, roughly sixty-five. I taught intermediate grade-levels in my former days and now have a handful of 5-year olds, some still four. Parent involvement used to be extremely minimal, now I have a parent who organizes the many volunteering parents in a schedule for! I love both of these very different worlds for varying reasons.

What I will miss about my 'old world' is the dear, close friends that share so many "glory days" memories with me, hilarous never-to-be-topped student/community/parent/staff tales that never cease to crack us up still. Trips to Vegas, late nights in Denver, scandelous gossip :). These friends were there for me in hard times...September 11th, 2001 was my first month teaching, tears were also shed during my "final" break-up with Steve (luckily not-so-final :)), and later, my miscarriage. These same friends were very influencial to me in both my professional teaching life and my personal life, you know...the kind of people that make you strive to be a better person. Spending my days with these people, seeing them as many, or more, hours in the week as I do my own something I will miss. But, they are not why I moved on...

Sadly, the leadership in my building changed and so did some of the staff. While some of this was needed and initially a good thing, or so I thought, it turned ugly. It amazes me how one poisneous person can negatively effect an entire staff. Personal vendedas, threats behind closed doors, extreme and unpreditable highs and lows, etc., took a toll on many who worked there, and I had to ask myself why I was even a part of this environment anymore? Take it or leave it? Bite the bullet or dodge it? So, I decided to seek greener grass before being completely sucked into the dark cloud that was expanding over our building. Fortunatley, the stars aligned perfectly and, as dramatic as it may sound, I feel like I was kind of saved in a way.

My new school couldn't be a happier place. Integrity, morale, support, positive feedback, and just all-around decency (note to self, employees and employers: such character traits and virtues WORK in the workplace :)). BTW, my perspective is not just from a new, ignorace-is-bliss, naive point of view. Believe me, I did my homework/P.I. work before making the big leap! While the complete newness of my job brings daily challenges, the happiness and comfort I feel each day in my surroundings is well worth the change. Breathing easier these days and smiling because of it. Change is may remember from earlier blogs that I am one who has to often remind myself of that :).

So, here's to the pursuit of happiness (good movie, btw :)), and, hopefully, a year of Kindergarten bliss!

p.s. Pics are of my new room, Reed my setting-up helper...he found the loft right away..."LADDDDER!", and my school. Happy Back-to-School to all!