January 1, 2010


My Thanksgiving post is very late! Having left our camera charger in Colorado Springs until just last week, I hadn't uploaded any pictures from the holiday until just today. SO, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's photo organization is going down all in a day or so...a bit grueling when you snap as many photos as I! THANKFUL to be putting this task behind me, and fun to remember the great Turkey Day we had a month back...

Our Thanksgiving was full of chaotic fun, meaning we gathered with the Havenars this year! Fourteen cousins, mostly boys, nine adults, and two dogs all under one roof (thanks to the Palmer Lake bunch for opening their home, BTW!).

Our fun included a visit to the North Pole (a childhood memory of mine, such nostalgia!), a movie with the sisters-in-laws (New Moon, SO GOOD!), a wonderful multiple-dish feast, and of course much play and relaxation. We were blessed to have awesome weather in the 60's, so the kids were able to eat outside as well as run wild outdoors, too! And, speaking of running wild...

As many of you know, my son is a meek, shy, always perfectly calm and reserved child (insert: heavy sarcasm, of course :)!!!). But, I have to say, that his older cousins fueled his budding fire and he was "ON" that week, more so than I had ever seen. I noticed it the days following our holiday as he picked up a 'more mature', "nope!" sass towards me and tried to wrestle several- both non-living and human- beings as well. His nanny, too, noticed his new boldness and, hiding her smile, had no choice to put him in more time-outs than ever...couch-jumping, toy-throwing, weapon-making (out of toys), etc. I was lucky to capture this new Reed o' ours in the picture above, holding- and putting to use- a bat in one hand and toy pistol in the other, 'on the draw' and all...nice! Am gearing up for some years of wildness that I never had the chance to experience in my all-sister, Cabbage Patch Doll 'mothering' days ;)

Am VERY THANKFUL for our Havenar family, 'twas fun y'all (that's for you, Texan branch!).