7/4/11 Reed sweetly talks about "his baby" to come, ex: "Look at this for my baby!", or "when is my baby coming out?", etc. However, he is pretty hung up on the idea of having to share the toilet and bath. Randomly in the car he said to us, "Daddy, can you get your tools and build my brother a bathroom, please?"
7/3/11 Reed has told me a few times this week that I look pretty in the dark, like a princess in the dark, etc....hmm, is he trying to say I look sweaty and enormous in the light? that's my pregnant take on things! ;)
6/2011 When shopping with us at Babies-R-Us, Reed took two packages of princess underwear off the rack. I asked if they were for him and he said, "no, one is for you and one for G.G." and gave them to us. So cute.
6/2011 Reed and I have been talking about "opinions". He'll say "my opinion is Star Wars", for example, and I will ask "is it that you LIKE StarWars, or you don't?", etc. Once in a while he's used the word "pinata" for "opinion", which I find to be pretty cute ;)
Another random drive: "Mommy, why do buffaloes get mad at children?" Um, don't know but maybe my anti-CU has rubbed off on him without my even knowing it :)
Random on the way to school: "Mom, I like cup holders. And throwing snow at trees".
5/8/11 I have reminded Reed a few times that it's Mother's Day, "No, it's KIDS DAY" he responds. Ah, feeling the love ;)
I told him I didn't know if the neighbors could play because it was Sunday and they may be at church still. He opened the back door and said, "Yep, the sun's out. They are at church." Sunday= sun day. So cute and literal.
"If I climbed on top of a train I wouldn't fall off. I'd use my balance and go really, really fast". Like father, like son ;))
When asked, Reed has stuck to his guns that he will be getting a BIG brother or little sister. Little brother is not a remote possibility to him for some reason...:)
Not quite 3 and a half, but already a flirt. He giggles, blushes, rolls his eyes, and uses an obvious flirty tone when talking of Princess Leia, a girl Juliet from school, or a girl Tiley who we shared a boat ride with when in San Diego over break. "The Chosen Three" :)
I ate a donut at school and picked Reed up a bit later. When I leaned down to greet him, he stated directly and no-nonsense: "I want that donut I smell". So crazy! He must have a nose like his mama ;)
4/2011 When I was having trouble uploading some pictures on my computer, I mentioned I'd ask daddy for help. Reed: "you just need to click dot com, Mom". Ah, the new generation! :)
3/2011 Explained how the TRex in his book is now extinct, he said with a bit of empathy, "it's okay, I'm stinky too". ;)
3/2011 When we were checking in over spring break, Reed exclaimed, "Look, our hotel is a RAINFOREST!" as he looked around at the palm trees and decor. So cute ;)
Reed loves purple. This has been consistant for several months now. So cute to see all his work from school come home in purple crayon, very choice ;).
When I picked up Reed from school his friend told me, "that boy says bad words" (while pointing to Reed), "what words?" I asked shamefully knowing I shouldn't have an innocent 3yr. old repeat them to me. "Booty Butt", he replied. ;)
12/2010 Apparently, Reed has been belting out his show tunes in Cmas program rehearsals. Compliments from four different teachers ("clear as a bell", "better than any of his classmates", etc.). Now if we could just guarentee a bit of that for the actual program...hmm, we shall see if he delivers!
"I'm a Daddy and a basketball guy just like Steve"
11/2010 "Mommy if you get dead in an avalanche I will pull you out and drop you at your home". Um, thanks Reed? ;)
While in Ross (store), and walking down the "nic nac" aisle, Reed asked Steve, "Is this G.G.'s stuff"...so hilarious as my mom most definitely acquires such 'collections'!
10/1/10 (While reading dinosaur book) Me: "Those dinosaurs are extinct. That means they don't live anymore", Reed put his nose to the pages; "This one stinks or the 'nother one stinks?" :), "No, EXTINCT is different than stink, it's very confusing" :)
When Reed sneezes he says, "God bless you, Daddy" or "God bless you, Mommy". Wonder how long this will last? Too sweet.
9/2010 Reed desperately tried to "see his eyebrows" on the way to school the other day. Hilarious facial expressions. Priceless.
9/2010 When leaving school, "Mommy when we go to the church can we see the pool?" (insert my curious glance to his teacher). "He must be talking about the baptismal. And he is getting better at his sign-of-the-cross"...my very-Lutheran mother is cringing!
9/18/10 We were laughing and joking around and I wrote "Reed" on his leg with a bathtub crayon. Horrified and suddenly serious, "Don't do that. People don't write on kids." :)
9/3/10 No tears and dry pants report from school on Friday! When praising R on the way home he asked, "now can we go to that french fry store?" and pointed to a fast food joint. Well why not? Well earned after these last back-to-school weeks o' emotions ;)
9/2/10 The director of the ECE building (6 classrooms) informed me that Reed has been "holding on the longest" of all the students as far as the attachment/goodbyes went, but each day the tears lasted shorter than the day before. Sigh.
8/24/10 When dropping him off at preschool, broke into sobs (again), "Mommy, I want you to stay for 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 times!" (which is a long time in toddler time) :(
8/12/10 While driving, I mentioned a mosquito bite I had. Reed (with empathy): "Ohhhhh! Stop the car. I will scratch it for you". So serious, so funny!
Steve was at a game late and Reed was trying to convince me to let him sleep in our bed, "I will lay on Daddy's pillow for FIVE MINUTES! Look out that window, Daddy's car is faaaaaaar far away" ;)
8/11/10 "Mommy, my freckle hurts! I need a bandaid!"...??? (turns out he had a splinter in his finger, but love the vocab. ;))
8/11/10 When I was talking to him about upcoming school (he starts MPB pre-school in a couple weeks), "Mommy do you remember that I will grow big when I'm at MPB?"...made me cry, I'M the baby...geez
8/10/10 a girl in the pool: "I am going back to school on Thursday", Reed: "I go to school too! I go back in FIVE MINUTES!"
8/10/10 "When I get big I will ride in a firetruck", pause, "and you can sit in the back, Mommy", pause, "and we both can fight the fires"...sweet boy ;)
"Daddy's bad"..."no he's not, why?"..."because he has to work"...ha, probably a bit used to mom's stay-home summer days, ending too soon! :(
8/8/10 At the pool a girl 'bragged'..."I can go under water because I have pink goggle!", Reed (un-phased) happily replied, "Me too! I am getting goggles for my birthday!" :)
8/1/10 "Am I funny, Mommy?", "you are very funny! am I funny, too?"..."No, you are not a little funny, Mommy"
Red-hot angry while sitting in time-out, Reed screamed, "YOU ARE NOT A PERSON, MOMMY!!!!"...had to turn so as not to show my amusement.
Summer- we have been hunting daily for "pandas and dinosaurs" in our "forest" (backyard) outside. Every morning is, "mom, let's get on our shoes for an 'VENTURE!", oh how I love these explorations.
7/7/10 When my GPS recording lady said "you are now off track" in her robot-voice, Reed giggled and said, "we're not on a TRACK, that lady is silly, TRAINS are on tracks!"...made my being lost enjoyable for a minute ;)
6/26/10 Reed ends his alphabet song with, "next time won't you share with me?" which I find to be super sweet!
Found Reed with his nose to the floor, turns out he was talking sweetly to a dead bug, "awww, are you sad that you can't fly anymore? oooohhhhh. Mommy, this is a sad dead fly."
To our friend, "ohhhhh, your baby has a cut on him foot", "yes", "I think the bees got him"
"Mommy, does Tucker poop in the toilet"?, "No", "can I poop in the grass?" :)
Reed can spell his name out loud, when Superwhy on T.V. spelled "T_ _ _ " and he heard the "R- E-E", he exclaimed, "Mommy! She spells Reed on t.v. because she loves me!!!"
Reed woke up to tell me, "there were monsters in the jersy pool!", would love to be in his head dreaming :)
4/7/10 We reward potty successes with stickers, usually on the foot- sometimes on the hand, but tonight proud Reed INSISTED the football sticker go on "my bum, Mommy!", "No, on MY BUM I said!!!"
4/7/10 (super loud voice) "BYE, Mommy!!! I have to go get some diapers for my monkey at the dinosaur store!!", "dinosaurs are real. extinct."
4/6/10 "Do you remember when I cried at you school?", "no, why did you cry?", "on Friday", "that's when you cried? but why?", "I cried for you, Mommy, 'cuz I miss you" ;)
4/1/10 Reed: "Mommy, do you remember that you are a teacher?", me: "Yes! I am a teacher", Reed: "and so I am a teacher, too?"
3/30/10 went for a walk with Reed and his scooter. too long, he wanted me to leave the scooter I ended up carrying and pick him up. "you're too big for me to carry you, too", "No Mommy, the SCOOTER's too big. I am NEVER too big, don't drop me!" ;)
3/26/10 (while listening to "blow the man down"), Reed: "is that a pirate?", Me: "yes...are we scared of pirates", R: "no, I'm not, Mommy"...pause..."I'm just scared of monsters"...pause again..."no, I'm just scared of monsters that push me"
3/24/10 Reed tried to get me to wear a jersy like him all morning, when I finally put one on he said, like an adult would to a kid- heavy on the praise: "Good job, MOMMY!, now you have numbers on your boobies!", oh my...
2/15/10 When his nanny was trying to tell me of today's "naughty behaviors" and spent time-outs, Reed happily kept talking over her with "Happy New Year, Jessica!!!", trying to sugar coat her into changing the subject ;)
2/12/10 Car conversation: "Mommy, do tigers eat cereal?"
2/9/10 My sweet boy asked me to sing "Jesus Loves Me" to him tonight, have probably shared this song with him a handful of times, not many more. I stopped and he waited, looking for me to continue and said: "go mom, the child come in" (which is part of the second verse). Smart thing, too smart for me to get by with many 'short cuts' these days!
2/8/10 I heard Reed down the aisle at the store today, ear-shot and eye-shot too if I'd looked, saying "frisbee, frisbee, frisbee!", thinking that he found one and liked it, I didn't bother to look. Come to fine out he was throwing them one at a time, letting them fall and roll into the main aisles. I'd say well over ten of them...those that I was able to locate that is!
2/2/10 does anyone else know any semi-new two year olds that insist on wearing sports jerseys day in and day out? I thought I would be able to pick out his clothing for longer than this!